FAQs and Contact

If you have any questions about Luna, please check the different FAQ categories below for your answer.
If you can’t find the answer to your query, please email us [email protected] and we will be happy to help.


What is the '24hr' challenge?

See how far you and your friends can run over 24hrs. Starting at midday on Saturday 6th July and finishing 24hrs. See how many loops you and your team can complete.

First runners will start from the Event Village at midday and the event will run until midday the following day.

See how far you and your friends can run over 12hrs with a break overnight for some rest. Starting on Saturday afternoon and running for 6hrs the race will then pause overnight. Running will start again when the sun comes up on Sunday morning.

First runners will start from the Event Village at 3pm on Saturday 6th July. Individuals / teams have six hours to clock up as many miles as possible. The latest a runner will be allowed onto the route at 8.59pm. The first runner will start at 7am on Sunday 7th July, and repeat what happened on the Saturday with the last runner starting their loop by 12.59pm.

See how far you and your friends can run over 12hrs. Starting when the sun comes up on Saturday 6th July and finishing 12hrs later. See how many loops you and your team can complete.

First runners will start from the Event Village at 7am on Saturday 6th July and see how many miles can be clocked up in 12 hours. The latest a runner can start a loop is 6.59pm.

Yes absolutely. We know sometimes with events people get injured or cannot take part. We are happy for people to switch their challenge. We will be sharing how to do this closer to the event - we will allow teams to change challenge before they check-in at the Event Village in case its a last minute decision.

Runners can enter as an individual or as part of a team. Individuals need to follow the entry link for individual entries. For a team to be created first a Captain must be nominated. The Team Captain will establish a team and give it a name. The Team Captain will be given access to invite teammates to join. Each individual runner will be charged the current entry fee of £85.

There is no real difference. Individuals can choose which loops they want to run and when. As part of a team only one runner can run at a time and the decision over runner order and which loops runners take on is up to the team.

You need to be invited by a Team Captain. If one of your friends / club mates / colleagues has signed up as a Team Captain and you want to join their team, ask them to send you a link from their entry portal. Please be aware that being invited to enter does not guarantee you an entry. There is a limit to the number of runners we can accept at Luna Relay and even if you have been invited to join a team your entry will not be confirmed until you have made payment.

By following the entry system choose which challenge you would like to take on - The 24hr, The Weekender or Dawn ‘til Dusk. Select Team Challenge for the event you would like to become a Captain for.

Entry fees are the same no matter whether you are running solo, or are in a team of ten people. Prices are dictated by the time of year and capacity. Entry fees include a Medal, T-shirt and one night's camping. An extra night of camping can be purchased for £15.

Yes you can transfer your entry to another runner until 16th June, 2024. There will be an admin charge of £20. Transferring entries through Race Nation is not possible now but will be set up soon. If you would like to transfer your entry now please contact [email protected]

We can accept refund requests up to two weeks after you first registered for Luna Relay. After this we cannot accept refunds but can allow you to transfer your entry.

Yes you can defer your entry to 2025. We will be opening this option on Race Nation soon. If you would like to defer your entry now please contact [email protected]. We will charge £20 per entry deferred to cover event costs already incurred.


How can I enter?

Runners can enter as an individual or as part of a team. Individuals intending to run on their own, need to follow the entry link for individual entries. For a team to be created, first a Captain must be nominated. The Team Captain will establish a team and give it a name. The Team Captain will be given access to invite teammates to join. Each individual runner will be charged the current entry fee.

No. We have designed the registration system so that only two people must be registered when entering a team. Teammates can be added, transferred (or deferred) along the way. Remember entry prices will increase, and teammates are not entered until they have completed their registration.

Event race packs will be collected when you check-in at the event. Race packs will include individual numbers for each runner, timing chips for a team (if you are part of a team) and individuals and race t-shirts. Parking passes must be purchased separately, as are glamping and camping upgrades - more details to follow. Parking and camping passes will be sent out to Team Captains before the event weekend.

Anyone over the age of 16 on the day of the event. Luna Trail Relay is an event for Park Runners to Ultra Runners. Whilst there will be some competitive teams / runners the majority of participants will be taking part to enjoy a relay in an amazing environment.

We are afraid not. The venue for Luna Relay is very rural with much of the routes taking place on farm land, on uneven single tracks or through woodland

We are afraid not. The venue for Luna Relay has quite a lot of animals that roam the grounds including badgers, deer, sheep and cows. The event therefore is not dog friendly.

Due to the nature of Luna Trail Relay there is no set route or distance. We are leaving the decision to runners on which loops they take on and in which order. Loops will be between 3miles and 8miles. Runners can do a single loop or multiples of loops.

Yes friends and family are able to purchase spectator passes that allow them access to the event and camping.

6. Cancellation of the Event by Luna Relay Limited We reserve the right to cancel the Event if: circumstances beyond our reasonable control arise which affect the safety and security of the participants and/or spectators or affect our ability to hold the Event, including, without limitation, war, civil or political unrest, terrorism or inclement weather conditions; or before the Event Date we have not, in our sole discretion, received a sufficient number of applications to ensure that there are enough attendees/participants to make the Event economically viable. Where practicable, we will provide written notice of cancellation to the email address we hold for you. In the event notice by email is not practicable due to timescales we will use reasonable endeavours to provide other suitable methods of notice including text message, updates to our website and radio broadcasts etc. In the event of cancellation of the Event your entry will be automatically deferred to the next date for the Event free of additional charge. We will not, under any circumstances, be responsible for travelling or associated expenses.


Is Camping included in my entry?

Yes, one night of camping is included in everyone’s entry. You can purchase a second night camping in the registration platform via the 'enter now' button.

For every runner - individual or in a team - you will need somewhere to leave belongings, a space to get changed, a space to R&R, get food and have some time off running. The campsite is effectively a 'camp' for people to go when they are not running. So you may not need a tent or even shelter but you will need somewhere that is yours that you can go to, that is relatively secure in between running

You will be camping in grass fields and nearby woodland.

We are unable to offer you an electric hook-up for your campsite and caravan

We welcome people to bring caravans and campervans. We are working on final details and hope that we can include all vehicles close to the campsite.

We will confirm details in time but Eridge Park is the size of 3,000 football pitches, so we do not expect there to be an issue with camping space

At this point we expect camping spaces to be allocated on a first served basis.

There will be event staff, marshalls and stewards on-site at all times however we cannot secure every team's tent. We suggest not leaving valuables in the campsite unattended.

We are getting quotes from companies to provide a glamping solution, so that you can concentrate on getting the running done and not worrying about finding enough camping equipment.

We are afraid that we will not be able to offer hot showers.


How do I collect my event registration?

When you arrive at Luna Trail Relay please go to the information tent which is where individual and team race packs will be handed out. Please bring your entry confirmation and ID.

Team Captains are responsible for the collection of race packs but if this is not possible - stuck on a train running late - then the collection can be deferred to a teammate.


What route do the loops take?

We are planning the loops now. The aim is to have four loops from the Event Village - Green, Blue, Red and Black (if you've been skiing before you know where this is heading). The loops are pointed at different woods on the Eridge Estate.

We are aiming on trying to make the total distance 20miles if all four loops were completed. There isn't a lot of flat land at Eridge Park so we'd expect total elevation for the 20miles to be roughly 800m.

The loops will be well marked with signage throughout. The signs will be reflective for night-time running. You must have at least a Head Torch to be allowed out onto the route. Luna Trail Relay recommends running with a head torch that is focussed on the path in front of you and a hand torch that is directed further up the route / seeking out course signs. Phone signal is quite strong around the park, so taking your mobile in case of an emergency or you get lost is suggested.

There will be no water / fuel stations on the loops unless there is very hot weather. Please come prepared to carry your own water / fuel during the runs. You will be able to refill your water bottles at the event village and campsite.

There will only be course marshalls positioned at gates. If you arrive at a gate without a marshall please ensure you close the gate behind you - this stops the animals moving into areas of the site they are not allows to access

If you are nervous about running at night-time solo we suggest running with a teammate. If you become injured and are worried about completing a loop we also suggest taking a teammate. Spectators are attending the event to cheer on runners and should not join runners in completing their loop.

Simple answer is No. Total distance of all four loops might be as far as 25 miles - final distances will be announced closer to the event. If you are running solo / in a pair you might find you complete more than 25 miles total distance but we don’t expect you to run all four loops, nor do we expect you to run in any order. It is your decision. If you are in a team of ten doing the ‘24’ you would need to cover 250miles in 24hrs, which would be Olympian in effort! It is likely that as a team you will cover all of the loops but as individuals you may cover 1-3 loops.


What time should I arrive?

We ask that all runners arrive at the Event Village two hours before their Challenge start time. Race packs must be collected up to 60 minutes before the start time.

Luna Relay suggests you pack for all weather conditions. Whilst warm weather might be forecast the venue is exposed and any change in conditions will have an impact. Even if the weather has been dry in the lead up to the event, course conditions will still suit trail running shoes. There are areas of the route where it is muddy 365 days of the year. If it rains the route will remain very wet. Luna Relay suggests if you plan to run several times over the duration of the event you bring several changes of kit with you. No matter how tired your feet are, a fresh pair of socks always feels good. There will be no drink or fuel stations on route unless very hot conditions so please plan to carry your own fuel / water.

Every runner will be expected to have a head torch for night-time running. Runners will also be expected to wear high-viz vests for overnight running. Times for wearing head torches and high-viz will be dictated before the event weekend and will depend on weather conditions. Luna Relay suggests runners run with a handheld torch as well as a head torch. It is also sensible to run with spare batteries. A full guide to running at Luna Trail Relay with suggested kit lists, course maps, GPX files will be provided in the lead up to the event.

Luna Trail Relay will be trying to minimise its carbon footprint and suggests all runners and spectators consider either travelling by train (Eridge station is a few minutes walk from the venue) or car shares with team mates.

There will not be a baggage drop facility. Every runner will be granted space within the campsite to set-up a base where bags, food and equipment can be left.

There will be toilets in the camping area, event village and at the start / finish / exchange area. There will be no toilets on the route.

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